From: (Gleeman)


Subject: BOF2 Walkthrough v.3 (1/3)

Date: 20 Feb 1996 19:10:13 GMT

                *       *       *       *       *

                       Breath of Fire II

                        Walkthrough v.2

                       (Updated: 2/20/96)


I. Cast of characters


        The focus of the story, and the only character you

can name.  The Hero is always with you.

        Combat:  Guts.  The Hero will recover HP when this

is used.  If it is used often, he will recover less than if

it is used only occasionally.

        Field:  Fishing.  Press A when near a fish.  With a

strong enough rod, the Hero can catch a treasure chest or a

denizen of Prima!

        Advantages:  The Hero generally has the best attack

and defense power at any time.  He has Dragon Attack spells

that can inflict major damage.  He has moderate healing

magic as well.  He critically hits often and can


        Disadvantages:  The Dragon Attack spells cost the

Hero all his remaining AP, and do damage based on the number

of AP remaining vs. the maximum number of AP (An Attack with

26/26 AP will be stronger than one with 26/52 AP).

        Combinations:  None.


        The Hero's childhood friend, who is prone to getting

into trouble.

        Combat:  Shot.  Bow attempts to critically hit the

enemy.  If he succeeds, the enemy dies; if he fails, he does

1 HP damage.

        Field:  Hunting.  Press A when facing grass.  Bow

can obtain Roast, Meat, Egg, and several other items.

        Advantages:  Bow has powerful healing and defensive

magic, and a high number of AP.  His Shot is a very

effective attack against normal enemies.  His regular attack

critically hits often (though not as often as Jean, Katt, or

the Hero).

        Disadvantages:  Bow's strength with normal attacks

drops quickly at abut the time of the Great Bird scenario.

        Combinations:  The Giant Robot.  Its Spray attack

hits all opponents.


        A former farmer who joins the Hero at the Coliseum.

        Combat:  Wake.  Rand attacks a member of the party,

and wakes them up.  This attack does less damage than a

regular attack, but the damage is still significant.  This

_will_ sometimes revive a dead character with 1 HP, however.

        Field:  Roll.  Rand can roll into a ball and travel.

The party will cover ground quickly, and cannot be attacked

while the ball is moving.  The ball will stop if it crashes

into an obstacle.

        Advantages:  Rand's Offense and Defense are high.

He has very powerful healing magic, with a decent number of

AP.  He also has the highest HP total.

        Disadvantages:  Wake is probably the most useless

special ability.  Rand is usually the slowest character.

Attack power is very low between Capitan and Highfort


        Combinations:  The Shelled Creature.  The special

ability remains the same, but attack, defense, and AP all go

up.  A very useful form to have near the end of the game.


        An arena combatant who joins the Hero after he

defeats her and saves her life at the Coliseum.

        Combat:  Dare.  Makes Katt more likely to be

attacked.  This can be useful at higher level, when she

dodges most attacks.

        Field:  Hunting.  Katt's staff has no range, but

it's faster than Bow's bow.  If you hit something once,

swing again immediately, and you'll get the item.

        Advantages:  Katt is the fastest character, and has

a high Offense score.  She is the only character besides the

Hero who can counterattack.  The few spells she learns are

very powerful.  She critically hits often.

        Disadvantages:  Katt has low HP and can't take many

hits, even with a high Defense.  She also has few AP, and

can't cast any of her spells until later in the game.

        Combinations:  The Dark Martial Artist.  In this

form, Katt can 'Keep' in combat.  She will spend one round

building up, then critically-hit the enemy, doing more

damage than a regular critical hit would do.  In this form,

she also gains enough AP to use her magic.


        The exiled Princess of Windia, who joins after the

Hero rescues her sister Mina from the Joker Gang.

        Combat:  Will.  Similar to the Hero's Guts command,

except that Nina recovers AP instead of HP.

        Field:  Summon.  Nina can summon the Great Bird to

fly the party to any location.  (This ability appears late

in the game.)  If Nina leads the party, it will be

impossible to fall into holes; Nina will fly back out.

        Advantages:  Powerful attack magic, and high AP.

        Disadvantages:  Low attack power, low defense, low


        Combinations:  The Angel.  In this form, Nina can

force enemies to flee.  The party gets no experience for

this, however.


        A former warrior chief turned entertainer.  Sten

joins your party after you return Mina to Windia.

        Combat:  R.I.P.  Sten tries to fool the enemies into

thinking he is already defeated.  This makes Sten less

likely to be attacked, but he takes more damage if he is.

        Field:  Stretch.  Sten can use his long arms to pull

the party across narrow gaps, if poles are nearby.

        Advantages:  Sten has high speed and is fairly

powerful.  His attack magic includes several near-unique

spells, such as Bomb and Missile.

        Disadvantages:  Takes more damage than his Defense

indicates.  Becomes rather weak later in the game.

        Combinations:  The Djinni.  In this form, Sten can

use a Switch power to exchange one group of enemies for

another.  This can be useful for avoiding certain enemies.


        The Prince of SimaFort, who joins you temporarily

after you break the curse on him, and permanently after you

complete SimaFort.

        Combat:  Jab.  Jean attacks all the enemies at once.

        Field:  Frog.  Jean transforms into a frog and can

hop over low cliffs and swim in shallow water.

        Advantages:  Jean learns several useful spells at

relatively low level.  At higher levels, he learns powerful

magic like Death.  Jean critically hits often.

        Disadvantages:  Jean is slow, and has only average

ability in combat.

        Combinations:  The Blue Death Frog.  In this form,

Jean can Chop, causing all enemies 999 damage after a

one-round pause.  Ouch!


        The Grass Man who joins you after you free him from

captivity in the Carnival Tent.

        Combat:  Nature.  Has different effects depending on

the surroundings, including damage to enemies (desert,

forest), healing (normal plain), and slowing the enemies

(plain with shrubs).

        Field:  With Spar leading, the party can walk

through forests.  Spar can also talk to the large trees.

        Advantages:  Spar has many AP and can cast healing

and ability-boosting magic.  His attack magic is limited,

but fairly powerful.  Spar has many HP.

        Disadvantages:  Spar's whip is very weak, and his

defense is fair at best.

        Combinations:  The Sprite.  In this form, Spar can

use Spore to attempt to put the enemies to sleep.  (This can

backfire and affect the party.)  Also, the Flower Bud.  In

this form, Spar can Bud, and will continously attack enemies

after a one-round pause.  Spar's Bud form has a decent

offense.  Both forms offer increased AP.  Also, the

Snapdragon.  In this form, Spar's power remains Nature, but

his attack power increases dramatically.


        The mysterious Indigo Sorceress from Breath of Fire

1.  She will join the Hero if he speaks to her after he

visits her home.

        Combat:  Shed.  Bleu recovers full HP.

        Field:  Hunting.  Press 'A' while Bleu is in thelead in the hunt sequence, and she will cast a powerful

spell, vaporizing everything.  This turns all creatures in

the field to Charcoal.

        Advantages:  High AP and powerful attack magic.

Better offense and HP than Nina, similar defense.  High

speed.  Starts with many powerful spells, including Death.

Bleu is slightly stronger than Nina at equal levels,

although Nina will have more AP.

        Disadvantages:  Weak regular attack, low defense.

        Combinations:  None.

Note:  I've divided the game into arbitrary Chapters.  The

characters listing for any given chapter is my

recommendation for the party members for that chapter.  Feel

free to ignore it.  If a character is required, a @ symbol

will be placed next to his/her name (except for the Hero,

who is always required).

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 1:  Suzy

                Characters:  Hero, Bow@

        The game begins in the village of Gate.  The Hero is

sent after his sister.  Climb the mountain to the north of

the village.  There will be a fight, but if the Hero is

about to lose, Ganer will rescue him.  After the cinema

scene, the Hero must decide whether to go to sleep.  If he

doesn't, he misses a scene, but the game is not otherwise

affected.  When the hero climbs back down the mountain, he

finds that nobody in town recognizes him.  Ganer and Yua are


        In the church, the Hero meets Bow.  The two leave

the village and, when the storm starts, head for the nearby

cave.  Follow the tail until you are forced to confront the

demon.  After you lose, the game will skip forward several

years, and you will find yourself (and Bow) in HomeTown.

Elder will assign you to go after Mina's pet Suzy.

        Do not cross the bridge outside yet, and do not

enter the mountain until level 3.  In the first room in the

mountain, you will discover a healing spring.  Fight until

you reach level 6 or 7, then go on.

        After exiting the top portion of the cave, you will

see a ramp.  Heal yourself if necessary before climbing the

ramp.  At the top, you will face three harpies.  This is a

tough fight, but in the second round, the three will attack

each other, giving you a little time.  Each harpy has about

40 HP.  Most of the time, the three will attack the Hero, so

have Bow cast DefUp on him.

        After winning the fight, proceed to the left.  You

will end up causing a landslide, entering another cave, and

falling into a hole.  When you land, talk to Azusa, the

hunter.  Leave the mountain, and head west to the Ruins.

There, you will have to fight six Pests and a giant Roach.

This isn't too hard, although the Roach sometimes gets up

when it's killed, forcing you to fight several more rounds.

        Once you've finished everything, you'll retrieve

Suzy.  Head back to HomeTown (it's much easier with the new

path, isn't it? ;) and enter the Ranger's Guild.  You'll

receive your reward for completing the job, and Bow will ask

you to return to your room.  You'll be forced to agree.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 2:  The Coliseum

                Characters:  Hero, Rand@, Katt@

        During the night, Bow will answer a knock on your

door.  It's a man named Kilgore, with a job.  Bow thinks

about waking the Hero, but decides against it.  He leaves.

        When you wake up, you find that Bow is now a robbery

suspect!  Wander around HomeTown, and talk to all the

guards.  When you've done this, return to your room to

confront Bow.  He gets an idea--he will hide in the trash

can, and you'll carry him to the Ruins!  Do so.  Niro agrees

to hide Bow, if Bow will help him fix the place up.  Bow

reluctantly agrees, and asks the Hero to chase down the real

female thief and clear his name.

        Asking about strange women reveals that a winged

woman is at the Magic School, and a woman fighter is at the

Coliseum.  You can't do anything about the Magic School for

now, so leave HomeTown and head east and north to Coursair.

        At Coursair, go to the Pub at night.  (You can wait

till nightfall by talking to the man behind the bar, if you

arrive during the day.)  Speak to Rand, who tells you the

opponent is always Baba, a lumberjack from TagWoods.

        TagWoods is north of Coursair.  Make sure you have a

good supply of Herb.  Make your way through the forest to

confront Baba.  He won't give up without a fight.  He's not

very tough, but he can counterattack, so don't let your HP

drop too low.  After the fight, he gives you his Axe.  With

this, you can pretend to be Baba and enter the fight.

Return to Coursair and talk to Rand again.

        Before you enter the Coliseum, deposit all your

money in the Bank.  Once you're in, you'll have to beat the

Dir.HR in order to see Augus; that's not a problem, but be

sure to heal yourself after the fight, so you don't go into

the arena with low HP.  Talk to Augus, then go to your

dressing room.

        Don't oen the treasure chest yet.  Wait for Rand to

appear and speak to him.  Agree to give him all your money.

(This is only 1 coin.)  He will leave.  Watch the cinema

scene, then take your pay.  Enter the arena.

        Katt doesn't believe your story about Augus's

treachery, so you'll have to fight her.  Katt is faster than

the Hero, so time your healing spells accordingly.  When you

win, the poison needles will begin to fly.  *You can move

during this scene!*  If you reach Katt quickly, you can give

her the Antidote!

        You'll wake later at the Inn.  If you weren't fast

enough to give Katt the antidote, she will be knocked out by

the poison, but you'll be ok.  Rand, shocked that the story

was true, joins you.  If you managed to give Katt the

antidote, she will also join you!

        You can't let Augus get away with this...  Go back

to Augus. He will transform into a demon and attack.  If you

still have the FireRock from Mt. Fubi, this is the time to

use it.  The Hero is faster than Augus, and Rand is slower,

but it's usually better to have the Hero attack and Rand

cure.  If you have Katt, use her speed well--either to use

an item or to fight.  Augus gets two attacks per round.  He

can also cast Cure1 if his HP start getting low, and he can

'store strength' to make his next attack do greater damage.

        Once you win, leave the Coliseum.  If Katt had been

poisoned, a man will tell you to go see her, and you'll be

transported there as a cinema scene begins.  Ray, the priest

of St. Eva, has revived Katt... and she's mad at you.

Eventually, you'll straighten things out.  Rand will ask you

to take him to the hideout, where he can work as a handyman,

and Katt will tag along, trying to make amends.

        Time to visit Niro again.  This time, Rand stays,

but Katt will be sent to help you track down the female

thief (and keep her out of the way ;).  Remember the winged

girl at the Magic School?  It's time to check that out.  Go

back to HomeTown.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 3:  Nina and Mina

                Characters:  Hero, Katt@, Nina@

        You'll see a breakin in progress at Magic School.

Before you can do anything, Nina will use her magic to stop

it.  She then goes inside.  Follow her (after promising Katt

that she too can learn magic).

        Inside, once you find her, you'll watch another

cinema scene.  A man from the Joker Gang forces Nina to go

with him by threatening her sister Mina.  Katt volunteers to

follow them.

        The Joker Gang's hideout is the cave near Coursair.

You'll have to kill one Hood to get in, but the others in

the first cave won't attack.  (There are also no other

encounters in that cave.)  You can't get to the treasure

yet, and Win, who lives in the top left extension of the

cave, is useless for now, so head to the top right.  The

guard who keeps the gate asks you for the boss's nephew's

name.  If you get it wrong, you have to fight him to get

through.  The correct name is "Palin".  The next gatekeepertells you the switch is in a hole.  It isn't, and you'll be

attacked by a poisonous spider and a Hood.  Unfortunately,

you can't avoid this fight.  The spider has far more HP, so

take out the Hood first.

        Descend and make your way through the dungeon.  (Be

sure to get the SilverDR.)  You'll enter a room where the

boss, Joker, is confronting Nina.  He tries to force Nina to

become his slave, but Katt will intervene, rescuing Mina.

Katt and the Hero will face a fight with four Hoods; if they

win, Nina joins the party.  Nina buries Joker under rock,

but Joker becomes a demon and breaks loose.  The hree will

have to fight him.

        Afterwards, Nina insists on taking Mina back to

Windia.  Katt offers to join her (draggingthe Hero along ;).

Windia is north and west from Coursair.  Once there, work

your way through the maze and into the castle, where the

Queen will thank you and escort you out into the town.

Strangely enough, she doesn't seem to recognize Nina... ;)

        You'll be told you need a highlander with long arms

to get back across the cliffs.  Where could you find such a

person?  As you're about to go explore the town, a magic

show begins.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 5:  Capitan

                Characters:  Hero, Katt, Nina, Sten@

        It's Sten the magician!  And he makes the Hero

disappear.  But when the show's over... where is the Hero?

Watch the cinema scene.

        Now that Sten has joined you, you can go back across

the cliffs.  Do so if you need to; otherwise, head for

Capitan, to the west of Windia.  Make sure you have a good

supply of Antdt, as the Deathpede has a poison breath attack

that can poison all four characters at once.

        When you arrive at Capitan, you learn that a child

has fallen down the dried-up well, and most of the villagers

have gone down to look for him and not returned.  When you

descend into the well, you'll meet Ray, who's come to

investigate.  He kills a large insect (Creon) and explains a

little to you; then, another one appears, knocks him aside,

and attacks you.  Creon is fairly deadly, because of its

Eggbetr double-attack.  After each time you fight one, heal

yourself as much as possible.  If any character dies, go to

the inn and rest if you can, otherwise use a LifePL.  You'll

need all your strength here.

        After the first fight, agree to help Ray.  He'll

lead you to a cavern, and get attacked by a Creon.  (This

blocks the way back to town.)  Go ahead to look for the boy,

as he requests.  He's in the cavern at the end.  Get the

treasures first, but be careful of the Creons.  After you

talk to the boy, a large monster will attack.  This monster

can attack all four characters at once, and can control a

character to force him to attack himself or another party

member.  Watch your HP, and have Nina cast spells.

        Once you win, the cavern will start shaking.  Ride

the turtles back across.  Ray will meet you and tell you

that the cavern is flooding.  He will put up a barrier to

hold the water and ask you to rescue all the villagers.

        Go through the cave, talking to the people.  If a

villager attacks you, don't kill the villager!  Kill the

monster on his face and the fight will end.  Katt should be

able to kill them easily.  You'll also face one or two more

Creons, but free as many villagers as you can.  Then return

to Ray and tell him you've freed them all.  Ray will let

down the barrier and the water will wash you out of the well

and into Capitan.

        Ray wants to thank you by granting you the Renew

spell (revives the dead for 10 AP).  Take him back to the

hideout, and talk to all your characters.  Decide who to

give it to.  Rand and Bow will learn it on their own (Bow as

early as level 20!), the Hero needs his AP for dragon

attacks, and Katt doesn't have the AP.  Sten has fewer AP

than Nina and (IMO) is less useful as a character.  I

generally give the spell to Nina.

        Once you've decided, Ray bestows the spell and

departs.  Head back to Capitan.  Have the Hero speak to the

girl dressed in red, who is standing near the Inn.  She

pulls him away from the party, and takes him to the forest

north of Capitan to meet Granny.  This is the Fire Shaman

Sanamo.  When she attempts to unite with the Hero, she

fails, but awakens the Dragon power.  The Hero learns

FirePuppy, IcePuppy, and T.Puppy, and burns down Granny's

house in the process.  Granny and Sanamo ask the Hero to

find them another one, so you're headed back to the Hideout.

        Return to Capitan and speak to the man who's

standing where Sanamo was.  You'll be transported to the

hideout.  Granny will take over the room next to Niro's,

which Bow and Rand built.  She'll ask for remodeling, but

Bow and Rand aren't professional enough... you'll have to

return to Capitan to find a carpenter.

        There are three carpenters:  The one in the fancy

house (top left) will build a pub whose patrons keep track

of game stats, if you invite him to the hideout.  The one in

the house on poles (top center) will play an Othello game

with the Tolen medals, in which you can win prizes such as

the ThunderST and TigerSD.  The one in the normal houses

(top right) will cook items, sometimes producing valuable

items.  The cook/carpenter is probably the best, since you

can produce items that raise stats.  The gamester/carpenter

is fun, and also provides valuable items.  The

bartender/carpenter is good for curiosity value, but not

much else.  (He can also raise a character's condition to

Super for 500 GP.)

        Once you've chosen a carpenter, you can also catch

the boat, to take you across the water.


Scott Schimmel (Gleeman)                  * Ex ignorantia ad sapientium; * ex luce ad tenebras.


From: (Gleeman)


Subject: BOF2 Walkthrough v.3 (2/3)

Date: 20 Feb 1996 19:10:45 GMT

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Interlude: Chopchop

        The Chopchop technique is elusive.  To get it, you

must visit the Wild Cat Cafe _before_ you learn about the

witches' party.  The best thing to do is to wait until

defeating Nimufu and breaking Jean's curse.  Then, use

Jean's frog form to swim down the waterfall and acquire the

Dragon spells for the Hero.  Visit the Wild Cat at this

point--the dragon attack makes the chef much easier to beat.

After beating him, go into the back room and talk to him.

Forgive him for attacking you, and admit to being

soft-hearted.  Voila!  He teaches one of your characters


        The Chopchop technique is extremely useful for Nina

to have.  It's a good attack that costs 0 AP.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 6:  Usurper

                Characters:  Hero, Sten, Rand, Nina, Jean@

        After crossing the water and entering the woods, the

party comes upon a giant frog.  It asks them to travel to

the Witch's Tower and get the Witch Nimufu to lift the curse

that traps it in that form.

        At the south end of the lake is a campsite where you

can rest for free.  There's also a Dragon Statue there.  Go

there first.  Most of your characters should be in the level

13-15 range before you go to the Tower.  It's best to take

Sten and Nina to the tower (to power them up), and Rand (for

healing).  Katt could be substituted for Sten, but Sten will

have a solo adventure fairly soon and will need the


        Travel north to the tower.  Make sure the Hero is in

the lead, then step on the door plate and fight the guardian

monsters three times.  The door will open.  DON'T pick up

the treasure in the first room, or the door closes again!

(There's nothing in the chest anyway.)  Climb the Tower.

(There's a treasure to the left, but the main tower is to

the right of that first room.)  Nina should probably lead,

to guard against falling in holes.

        When you reach a room with five platforms, choose

the one on the far left to continue your ascent.  The one on

the far right will take you to the Water Shaman, but she

will not join you until you defeat Nimufu.  The one on the

middle right will allow you to cross to the stairway leading

down into the treasure room.  You can go there on your way

out.  Climb the Tower.

        You should reach Nimufu without much difficulty.

You'll have to fight her.  She can cast spells, but it's not

hard to defeat her.  (You might want to use a Dragon Attack,

but it's not necessary.)  Once you win, she'll break into

tears and tell you that the curse on the frog can be broken

if a girl kisses it.

        Go back to the frog, with either Katt or Nina in the

party.  Speak to the frog, with one of them in the lead.  A

cinema scene reveals that the frog is really... Jean.  He

will join you.

        At this point, put Jean in your party, since you

only have him for a short time.  Transform into a frog, and

swim through the lake to the west of the woods.  Behind the

waterfall, there's a hidden cave where you'll pick up a

SokletAR and a KamikazeBL, and the Hero will learn the next

set of Dragon spells, FireDragon, IceDragon, and T.Dragon.

This set attacks all enemies, not just one.  It also does

more damage.

        Now swim through the lower lake, to SimaFort.

You'll enter the castle, and Jean will be captured by an

imposter Prince.  The Prince promises you money and a boat,

and sends you out of the castle.  But before you reach the

boat, Princess Petape sinks it.  There's a long cinema

scene, in which she'll enlist your aid and give you the


        Leave the castle and return to the campsite to add a

fourth member to your party.  When you return, go to the

dungeons to face the guard Leader.  When you win, you can

speak to Jean.

        Jean can prove he's the real Prince if he shows the

Royal Ring.  Unfortunately, he gave the ring to Nimufu.

Nimufu is no longer at the Witch's Tower; she's attending a

party at the Wild Cat Cafe.  This is the cave to the west of

the waterfall.  Go there to find her.

        You'll be forced to leave all your items behind at

the door.  Each room after that has a sign with

instructions.  If you choose not to follow the instructions,

you must fight a Bouncer in order to proceed to the next

room.  The instructions tell you to do such things as remove

your helmets, trade in your armor for napkins and weapons

for forks, and so on.  The final instruction will ask how

you like your food prepared.  Answer Rare.

        You'll find yourself inside a giant oven... OUCH!

The party will take 20 damage if they chose rare, 40 if they

chose medium, and 80 if they chose well done.  If you don't

choose, all party members are reduced to 1 HP!  After the

damage is done (and before you get a chance to heal), the

Chef enters.  When he sees that you're still raw, he tries

to chop you up.  You'll have to fight him.

        Afterward, the chef may ask you whether you're angry

at him for trying to charbroil you.  Even if you are, choose

No.  He will then ask whether you're soft-hearted.  Choose

Yes and he will teach one person his Chopchop attack.  This

is a 0 AP attack spell, and is very useful for Nina through

the middle of the game.  *The cook only asks you these

questions and teaches Chopchop _before_ you hear about the

witches' party, so you may wish to go to the Cafe earlier in

the game, to get this.*  It is very useful!

        After you've dealt with the cook, proceed through

the door into the cafe.  Nimufu is in the restroom, and has

dropped the Royal Ring in the toilet.  You'll have to go

after it.  (This is a recurring theme in the game.)  Go into

the cavern(!) beneath the toilet, retrieve the ring, and

exit.  Leave the Cafe (be sure to talk to the man at the

door to retrieve your items) and return to Jean.

        Petape takes Jean to the King to show him the RoyalRing, but it seems the imposter also has one!  Jean has to

prove his innocence some other way.  He challenges the

imposter to a cooking contest.  But he needs ingredients...

        The party proceeds to the roof, where they should

help the soldier.  After doing so, go back downstairs and

speak to the model, Fiolina.  She will run to his side.

Return to the castle roof and talk to the guard, and ask for

Information as your reward.  (You'll get the money

anyway. ;)

        Using the key the guard gives you, unlock the door.

Jump onto a bucket to descend into the dungeons.  Inside,

you'll immediately confront the Gold Fly.  It has a powerful

attack and can counterattack, so be careful.  Fortunately,

it has a weakness:  Air attacks.  use Sten's Bomb and Nina's

Tornado.  After a few rounds of combat, it will stop the

fight and fly away, taunting you.  Follow it to the left.

Just as you're about to reach a bridge, you'll be forced to

fight a gigantic water worm.

        The worm is possibly the toughest enemy of this

quest, as it can put party members to sleep, can hit all

members at once with an attack, and has a powerful normal

attack.  Heal whenever necessary.  Once you win, you'll

capture the Worm's Meat, one of the ingredients you need.

        Retrace your steps.  Leve the castle and ret at the

campsite if necessary.  Also buy more healing items in town.

Go back into the dungeon and take the right path from the

room where you first fought the Fly.

        You'll have to thread your way through two rooms

filled with vicious, inedible Blue Roaches in order to get

to the Fly.  At there end is the Giant Roach, the second

ingredient Jean needs.  It's much easier to beat than the

worm, since it damages only one party member at a time.

        After defeating the Roach, you'll finally corner the

Gold Fly.  You'll have to fight it again, and it's tougher

this time, but Bomb and Tornado still work.  Once you win,

return to Jean with the ingredients, and the cooking contest

is on.

        Of course, the usurper isn't going to risk his crown

on a fair contest.  He threatens the master chef, with the

result that he is declared the winner.  Petape, distraught

at the thought of the impending executions, decides to blow

up the castle.  She runs off, and both Jean and the false

Prince Jean follow her.

        The Hero should enter the bathroom wih the wall

switch (near the kitchen) and pull the switch.  A secret

elevator descends to the dungeon level, giving the party

access to a corridor to the right.  Inside, they find a

wounded Jean, and go onward to confront Petape and the

prince.  The prince is really a demon, and attacks the

party.  Afterward, angry at his defeat, he finishes

triggering the procedure Petape had started.

        Jean enters and tells you not to be alarmed.  The

console isn't an explosion control after all, but the key to

the secret treasure of SimaFort.  The party can obtain the

SoleSD now.  (This weapon occasionally "Toasts" an enemy,

killing it with one blow.)  Petape and the king thank the

Hero for his help, and Jean decides to join permanently.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Interlude:  Houses in TownShip

        By this point in the game, the carpenter has built

the first three houses of TownShip.  You can get him to

build the second (and final) set of three houses by giving

him 2000 coins at any time after you visit Tunlan.  You need

not fill the first three houses to do so.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 7:  Trout and Whale

                Characters:  Hero, Katt@, Sten, Rand, Jean@, Bow@

        With the usurper defeated, the frogmen of SimaFort

release Patty, the bat-winged thief.  Return to HomeTown and

speak to the guard at Trout's house.  Bow's name is now

clear, and he will rejoin you.  Kilgore asks to talk to him.

Go to TownShip for Bow, return with Bow leading he party,

and speak to Kilgore.  He will give you the magic hood,

allowing you to understand the language of Tunlan.

        Tunlan is the next objective, to rescue the Grass

Man, Spar, from the carnival.  But first, you'll need to

cross the ocean.  Head back toward SimaFort.  Then, with

Jean leading, transform into a frog and swim downstream past

the trees, to the W.Cape.  (Just follow the signs. ;)

You'll have to descend into the cave.  Make sure Katt is in

the party.  It's also a good idea to have either Bow or Rand

along for healing, and Sten or Jean for combat ability.

Magic isn't as useful here.  You can use the dragon statue

at W.Cape to change your party members.

        If Katt is in the lead, she can break the flimsy

gate in the cave with her staff.  Do so, and jump into the

hole.  You'll meet an old man and a pair of dolphins, who

tell you you're inside a sleeping whale.  You've got to wake

it up, and to do that, you have to go to the stomach and get

rid of the Stone Doll that's put it to sleep.  If you need

to exit to heal, return to the whale's mouth, and the

dolphins will carry you out.

        Encounters here aren't too bad.  This is a good

place to power-up Sten for the Highfort scenario.  Make your

way through the whale.  Straight paths take you the proper

directions; side branches are dead ends, but occasionally

hold treasures.  You'll confront the Stone Doll, which isn't

a very tough enemy, although it can put the party to sleep.

        Once you've beaten it... nothing happens.  The whale

still hasn't awakened.  Make your way back towards the

mouth, and have Katt hit the whale's Adam's apple with her

staff.  If the Doll is gone, this will wake the whale.

        The whale (Grandpa) will thank you for waking it up,

and tell you to borrow the Whale Bell from the old man on

the beach.  Do so.  The party can now summon Grandpa by

standing at any beach and ringing the bell by pressing A.

Most of the world is open for exploration.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Interlude:  Bleu

        You can acquire the secret character, Bleu, any time

after you awaken Grandpa.  Travel to the desert in the far

southeastern corner of the world.  You will see a ramp that

allows access to the southern part of the desert.  Get off

of Grandpa at that point, and go north a short distance.

Look for what appears to be a spiral shape in the sand.

This is the remains of Wisdon.

        Enter.  Speak to the spirits, and you'll be told

that Bleu has gone out.  Where could she have gone?  Turns

out she's a little rusty after all those years; you'll find

her in the Magic School in HomeTown, disguised as a student.

(Earlier in the game, she says, "Fascinating.  We didn't

have magic like this when I was young.")  Once you've been

to Wisdon and subsequntly spoken to her, she will shed her

disguise and (forcibly) join your party.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 8:  Spar

                Characters:  Hero, Nina, Sten, Rand, Bow, Bleu

        When you arrive at Tunlan, you find that the magic

hood allows you to understand the musical language, but you

are unable to speak it.  Later, you'll need to do something

about that, but for now, ignore it.  Go to see the carnival

outside the city.

        Hmm, the Grass Man isn't an attraction any more, and

the ringmaster will feed it to a demon!  Unless, of course,

you can offer him money some other way.  He'll take either

90,000 coins or an Uparupa.

        Uparupa like to eat OwlFruit, and some monster

hunters near Capitan have what you need.  Go to their house

(south and east of Capitan).  You'll find it empty.  Proceed

through the back door into the forest.  You'll hear

singing... and if you follow the music, you'll find a

strange girl.  It turns out to be a vicious monster and

attacks the party.

        There are three enemies here.  The central monster

usually attacks a single party member for massive damage, or

regenerates one of the smaller monsters.  The smaller

monster further to the right of the screen casts Cure2; the

one to the left casts Thunder.  It's important to get rid of

the Thunder-casting monster quickly, and to try to keep both

smaller monsters dead (the big one can revive them).  Having

Bow equipped with the Dual Bow helps.  Nina and Sten should

both have area attacks (S.Boom, Flame) to use in the early

rounds.  Sten can use items in later rounds.  If Nina still

has no area effect spells, you may want to recover Bleu and

take her along instead.

        When you win, you'll be able to pick five OwlFruit.

Hope it's enough!

        The Uparupa live in a water-filled cave near

Coursair.  The only way to enter the cave is to ride a whale

in.  Encounters in the cave are on the difficult side, but

it's a short cave.  You'll quickly find yourself in the

Uparupa's Cave, where there are no enemies except Uparupa.

        To lure an Uparupa, put food in front of its hole

and back up a little.  When it comes out of its hole, wait

until it gets its food, then quickly run and 'speak' to it.

It will attack.

        Uparupas do not attack physically, but they have a

devastating counterattack.  Only the Hero should attack

physically; others should use spells, since they probably

cannot do enough damage physically.  The correct Uparupa to

take is the furthest one along the left-hand path.  (This

Uparupa is at the top center of the overall cavern.)

        When you beat the correct Uparupa, it will not

disappear as others do, but will instead try to communicate

something.  You have a choice:  You can keep it or let it go

free.  If you let it go, you will receive a better sword.

You should let it go.  (If you don't do so immediately, you

can return later to free it, and still get the sword.)

        Return to the carnival tent.  The ringmaster will

ask whether you've brought the coins or the Uparupa.  Answer

that you brought nothing.  (This choice is only given after

you catch the Uparupa.)  He will become enraged and

attack... after transforming into a demon.

        When you win, you'll be able to free the Grass Man,

Spar.  He will join your party.  He'll also tell you to go

to the west and talk to the Great Tree Gandaroof.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 9:  Highfort

                Characters:  Hero, Sten@, Spar, Rand, Bow

        Gandaroof can't remember what he had to say to you,

and he tells you you'll have to enter his mind to find the

information.  To do so, you'll need a Therapy Pillow from

Tunlan.  Return to Tunlan.

        There's now a man standing between the Inn and Item

Shop.  When you speak to him, he tells you that the people

of Tunlan won't understand you unless you have a fine

musical instrument--like the Famous Flute of Highfort.

You'll have to travel to Highfort, on the desert

plateau--the beach to land at is south of TownShip, near a

house.  You'll need Sten to get in.  It's a good idea to

take Spar along, since he needs to be powered up and since

his Nature special does about 70 hp damage to all enemies

when used in the desert.  You'll probably also want more

healing, so Rand or Bow can fill out the party.

        You'll enter Highfort and find out more about Sten's

past.  He will leave the party temporarily, telling you to

go get the flute.  The other three party members should

continue into Highfort and enter the War Council Room.

They'll hear the speech of the new General, Shupkay, who

will drop them into a pit.

        Now it's Sten's turn, and he'll be solo for a while.

First, go down the stairs that were formerly blocked.

Retrieve the nearby treasures (and hope you're not

attacked).  You'll obtain such things as QuickCL and an

Extract.  Equip Sten.

        Go back upstairs and trace the party's route.

Partway there, you'll be forced into a fight with Trubo, who

holds an old grudge against Sten.  Trubo has an Eggbetr dual

attack, so watch Sten's HP.  The best way to fight Trubo is

just to fight, and use a healing item when necessary.  Don't

use RIP, since it lowers Sten's defense and Sten is the only

possible target.  Save your AP for now.

        After a short fight, Trubo will step back and blow

up the bridge, challenging Sten to beat him in three rounds.

Simply casting Bomb three times in succession will work.

Sten and Trubo will fall safely into the water, and Sten

will drag Trubo out.  They'll agree to go confront Shupkay.

Trubo will enter the nearby door, while Sten will pull

himself across a gap and head along a different trail.

Encounters will be tough, with only Sten, but make sure you

get the NinjaDR and other treasures.  Soon, you'll find

yourself confronting Shupkay.  Before you can do anything,

she drops Sten into a pit.  Sten rejoins his friends.

        With a full party, the portion of the maze that's

left isn't too hard to get through.  You'll meet Trubo,

who's stuck at a door.  Sten will push him out of the way,

and your party will have to defeat the Portal boss.

Physical attacks work best here.  Don't forget to

heal... the Hero and Rand or Bow should both have Cure2 by

this point.

        With that done, the party leaves Trubo to destroy

the machinery, and continues onward to confront Shupkay.

You'll arrive just in time to rescue the princess from the

strange device.  Shupkay can attack with S.Boom, but does so

infrequently.  Most of her other spells and attacks are

fairly ineffective.  You can defeat Shupkay without using

Dragon spells, so don't worry if your Hero is low on AP from


        The defeated Shupkay attempts to use the machine to

convert her hate into energy for a weapon, but Trubo

succeeds in smashing the device.  A chain reaction begins,

and the castle starts to crumble.  Your party will run for

the door, and Sten will stay behind to turn the crank on the

hand-powered elevator.

        The princess will give you the Famous Flute as a

reward.  Trubo will escort you outside, where you'll see

Sten once again.  (You knew he wasn't killed in there,

right?)  Sten will rejoin you, and you can proceed to Tunlan

with the Flute in hand.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 10:  Tunlan

                Characters:  Hero, Sten@, Bow, Nina@, Katt@, Bleu

        When you arrive in Tunlan, talk to the Queen's

attendants.  They'll tell you about a magician, Gedd, who

could help her.  Gedd was exiled to Maori Isle, which is

west and north of HomeTown.  Go there, and enter the nearest

cave.  (Notice the healing fountain. :)

        Proceed to the next room, where you'll find that the

Magician will only speak to 'a pretty girl'.  Put either

Nina or Katt in the lead and talk to him.  (Bleu won't

work.)  After you straighten him out, he'll rush off to

Tunlan.  Follow.

        Return to the Queen's room.  Gedd will need

ingredients.  Take his letter and return to Maori Island, to

the apprentice.  Speak to him, and take a good look at the

mushroom he shows you.  You'll need one that looks just like


        Climb the mountain, using Sten to cross the gaps.

There are some nice treasures along the way.  When you get

to the top, if you pick any mushroom, you will return to the

apprentice instantly.  If it's the right one, he'll tell you

so and you can return to Tunlan.  If not, you'll have to

make the climb again.  The correct mushroom is on the left

side of the water--use Sten to cross to the island, and pick

up the middle mushroom.

        Return to Tunlan and speak to Gedd.  He'll send you

inside the Queen's body to kill the Fatties.  You can leave

at any time by using the Mirror--it's in your Items-Spcls

menu.  The Death spell is very useful inside the Queen's


        This is not a typical dungeon, you can't just run

through to a boss.  Go to the status screen and look at the

monster indicator at the top.  If the critter is asleep, it

means there are no monsters in that room, and you can go on.

Otherwise, stay in that room and wander around.  When there

are no monsters left in the room, move to the next room and

repeat.  Note that you do NOT only have to kill the "Fatty"

enemy, any enemy will work.  But the Fatty gives the best

xp.  Once you've cleared all the encounters, Gedd will

remove you from the Queen's body.

        The Queen will open the treasure vault to you.

Speak to the guard there to get the Therapy Pillow.  Now you

can enter Gandaroof's memory.


Scott Schimmel (Gleeman)                  * Ex ignorantia ad sapientium; * ex luce ad tenebras.


From: (Gleeman)


Subject: BOF2 Walkthrough v.3 (3/3)

Date: 20 Feb 1996 19:11:16 GMT

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 11:  Gandaroof

                Characters:  Hero, Spar@, Rand, Nina, Bleu

        With Spar in the lead, return to Gandaroof and use

the Pillow to enter his mind.  You'll find yourself near a

town.  Go in and speak to the people there.  They'll give

you useful information and tell you about another town to

the east.  There is also a shop here.  If you want to buy

any of the improved weapons or armor, do it now, because you

probably won't get another chance.

        Go to the second town and speak to everyone.  You

can rest here, and even leave the mind.  Hmm, it seems

there's another town to the north.  Go to this third town.

Talk to people again.

        Hmm, there are only supposed to be two towns, and a

tower.  You can see the tower from the west of the lake, so

go there... and you'll see the first town.  If you return to

the first town and enter it, you'll find yourself in the


        You won't be able to see anything that's close to

you except treasure chests inside this tower, but that's

more of an annoyance than a problem.  Make your way through,

and watch out for RoadSlugs, who often cast S.Boom or

Thunder.  You'll want to have a healer other than Spar


        At the top, you'll confront the demon who's

destroying Gandaroof's memory--and it reveals that it caused

everyone in Gate to forget about you, years ago!  Fight it.

It's very weak, but it does have one annoying ability--it

can chant "Forget about your magic" and make every character

in the party unable to cast his or her most recent spell

(the last one on the spell list).  The second time it does

this, they forget the second-last spell, and so on.  This

can be a pain.

        Once you've destroyed it, leave the tower and the

mind.  You can get sketchy information from Gandaroof.

You'll have to head south to find allies in your fight

against the demon.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 12:  Namanda, Namanda

                Characters:  Hero, Rand@, Spar, Nina, Bow

        Heading south across the bridge, you'll find

yourself in a mist-filled valley.  It will be impossible to

press on.  The man who's stuck there says that something

must be wrong with SkyTower...

        SkyTower is in the ocean west of Gate.  Ride Grandpa

to it.  If you've spoken with the man in the valley, the

Primans will let you enter.  The Tower (which used to be

Spyre) is now filled with water in most places.  You'll have

to enter an air-filled room every three minutes, or drown.

There are enough air-filled spaces that this isn't a

problem, unless you go to the extreme southwest on the first

floor and down.  That area has no breathing rooms, so you'll

have to grab its treasure and get back quickly.  The

treasure is worth it, though.  Climb your way through

SkyTower.  When you reach the top, you'll be in an

air-filled room that's home to Spoor, the Wind Shaman.

She's responsible for the fog, it seems, but she banishes it

and returns to Granny.  You can now unite with her.

        Return to the valley.  You can move through

it--watch out for the large green cyclops monster.  The

ogres aren't too bad.  In any case, the valley is very

short.  South of the valley, you'll see a town... FarmTown.

        Enter FarmTown.  Talk to people with and without

Rand leading the party.  When Rand talks to Daisy, he'll be

recruited to plow the field.  The others will help, of

course.  Just smash everything, but use normal attacks

rather than magic.  You don't want to damage the ground.

        Once that's done, Daisy asks you to go to the

Namanda Shrine to the west and pray.  Go right ahead.  Make

sure you donate at least 20 times in a row (2000 GP).  If

you do this, you will be able to get the Earth Shaman later.

        Return to Farmtown when you're done.  Go back to

Daisy's house.  Speak to the strange man in the field.

(Say, didn't Daisy throw him out before?)  He says she's

converted to St. Eva and given her land to build a church!

Rand knows that Daisy believes in Namanda, and gets into a

(solo) fight with the Paladin.  The fight isn't too

tough... just make sure you have some HelpBLs.  And remember

not to use 8.0 or Thunder, or other attack magic.  The

worshipper of St. Eva will fall.  Then Ray will appear.

After a tense exchange, Ray takes the man and leaves.  But

where is Daisy?  You'll have to go to St. Eva's Church to

look for her... but how will you fly across the ocean?

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Interlude:  Namanda's Bells

        Sometime after Rand's mother vanishes, one of the

two men who normally ring the Namanda Bells also disappears.

If you visit, the remaining one asks you to help ring.  If

you do it successfully, you'll receive the secret spell

Bombada, which cuts all enemies' HP in half for 20 AP.

        Unfortunately, there's no sure way to get the spell,

and the timing on the bells is very tricky.  You may want to

just skip this entirely, unless you have a good ear for

music and excellent timing.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 13:  The Great Bird and Claris

                Characters:  Hero, Nina@, Jean, Katt, Bow

        Back in TownShip, Nina will ask to speak to you in

her room.  When you do, she'll tell you about the Great Bird

of Windia.  She offers to become the Great Bird and take you

to St. Eva's Church.

        Go to Windia and, with Nina leading, speak to the

guard.  You'll soon learn a lot more about Nina's past.

Then you'll be told to go to the dungeon for the test.  Nina

should really have the Death spell by now, and at least 150

HP, or you'll be in trouble.

        Descend into the dungeon.  At the first branch, you

can go west to get to the test (this is a short route) or

you can go north to reach a treasure--a better ring for Nina

or Bleu.  The northern route is long.  I recommend doing it

after the test, unless you need to raise Nina's level.

        When you reach the winged statue with Nina in the

lead and agree to take the test, Nina (and only Nina) will

be warped to another area.  Speak to the statues there.

Cast Death if you get into any fights, and use HelpBL

afterwards.  If Nina is defeated, she's sent back to the

rest of the party.  She'll have only 1 HP.  You'll also have

to start over...

        You do NOT have to speak to the statues in order to

pass the test, but you miss some of the story if you don't.

The treasures are also nice, but not necessary.  Enter the

testing chamber.  You'll have to fight the Guardian to prove

your worth.  Cast Freeze on it, and it shouldn't last more

than two rounds (one if you're lucky).  You're faster than

it is at this point, so you're in luck.

        After you defeat it, the Guardian assumes the form

of... Nina!  Yes, it's the heroine of BoF1.  It seems the

people of Windia can no longer fly because she married a man

from outside her tribe, and weakened the bloodline.  But she

gives Nina the Mark of the Wing, which will allow her to

become the Great Bird.  She then asks whether Nina forgives

her.  (I have no idea whether answering 'No' affects the

story or not.)

        Return to the castle and speak to the King.  You'll

enter another cinema scene and end up asleep.  During the

night, Mina will sneak into your room and look through the

dresser.  She'll leave and Nina will get up.  Check the

dresser and... the Mark is gone!  Quickly follow Mina up the

left tower.

        Cinema scene.  Mina locks Nina outside of the room

and uses the Mark to become the Great Bird... sacrificing

her life as a person to help you.  You can ride the Great

Bird anywhere when Nina is in the party.

        You can now reach Gate, the armory on the island

east of St. Eva Church, and St. Eva's Church itself.  You'll

have to go there...

        Once inside, speak to everyone.  They're all so nice

and happy!  Maybe there's nothing wrong after all.  Go ahead

and leave.

        Oops.  You can't leave.  That's not a good sign.

And now all those happy people are acting like zombies and

muttering about the cold... what's going on?  Go back into

the home of the woman who earlier said "Praise St. Eva!" and

speak to her.  She reveals herself as Claris, an agent of an

anti-St. Eva resistance.  She begins to tell you about it,

but there's a knock at the door, and she quickly suggests

you go to CotLnd, where other resistance members have

gathered.  For now, you'll have to jump into the toilet and

make your way through a cavern to escape.  You'll end up in

the inn near St. Eva's Church, behind the counter.  The man

there gives you a free rest...  Be sure to get the CharmRod

from the dresser upstairs.  Then head for CotLnd.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 14:  Tiga and the Thieves' Tomb

                Characters:  Hero, Katt@, Rand, Bow, Nina, Jean

        Rocks close off the entrance to CotLnd, but Katt can

break them with her staff.  Do that, then go to the barn and

speak to Tiga.  Seems the resistance needs money... if only

their sponsor would get back!  She went to the Thieves' Tomb

in the middle of the desert...

        You guessed it, you're going after her.  Fly there

and enter the dungeon.  Pay close attention to the

smiley-faces... the effects the old man talks about only

happen immediately after a fight takes place on one of those

tiles.  Try to stay on the yellow, smiling ones or the

green, happy ones as much as possible.

        Go through the tomb, and... oh look, it's Patty

again.  Free her and continue.  She will open the treasure

chest, but it's empty--there's no evidence there!  Hmm.

Check the chest again.  Push the hidden switch and open the

hidden door... and go in.  Open the treasure box to find the

Evidence.  You'll have to walk back outside.

        Patty bumps into you clumsily, apologizes, and

leaves.  Or maybe not that clumsily... the evidence is gone.

Oh well, there's nothing to do but cast Exit and fly back to

CotLnd.  So do it.

        Well, selling the evidence has provided enough money

for Tiga to stage his assault.  First target:  Bandon, to
the south.  But first, Tiga has decided he wants to marry

Katt.  If you don't object, you won't have to fight him; if

you do, you can't win.  It doesn't really matter.  The end

result is that Katt will leave you for a little while.

        Go south.  Enter the church, and you'll find all the

worshippers are gone.  Talk to Katt and Tiga.  Katt will get

frustrated and hit the statue with her staff, revealig a

secret passage!  Go ahead down.  You'll have to face a

church henchman (lots of HP, but not too bad) then continue

north.  A priest will break his cover and run down some

stairs.  Go down the stairs after him.

        You'll be in a short corridor with one door and two

arrow plates.  The arrows lengthen or shorten the corridor.

The only rooms that matter for now are the second-closest

and the furthest.  The second-closest has a treasure chest;

the furthest is the place you need to go.  From there on,

it's pretty straightforward... you'll corner the priest in a

dark room.  Approach him, and...

        He turns into a demon.  Of course.  He'll send three

zombies after you, then attack himself once you beat them.

He can cast Death and use RotBreath to zombify all your

party members at once.  Try to keep your characters

non-zombie'd with CureAL or the CurePsn spell.  Once you

beat him, you can walk out of the dungeon without

encountering any monsters.  Talk to Tiga again... his plan

is to disguise everyone and infiltrate the Cathedral.  Since

you defeated the priest/demon, you can enter and leave Evrai

at will... but you'll need to learn the Teachings of St. Eva


                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 15:  Evrai

                Characters:  Hero, Rand@, Nina, Bow, Jean, Spar

        You can learn the teachings of St. Eva by going to

any church and donating a few times.  (I believe the amount

is 2500 GP, but I'm not sure.)  Once you have them, speak to

Tiga.  You'll be going to Evrai...

        Cinemamania.  It seems St. Eva's Church was founded

by Habaruku, who's leading the ceremony.  He's caught Claris

and is preparing to kill her!  Tiga realizes he loves Claris

and tries to save her, but he's not strong enough.  He

falls, and Habaruku blasts them both with lightning.  Your

party should now confront Habaruku... he will flee.  Follow


        Habaruku commands Ray to destroy you.  Ray, although

friendly to you, is indebted to Habaruku, who raised him.

He complies, transforming into a huge Dark Dragon!  Ray will

blast the party... keep the Hero alive at all costs.  During

the fight, a large dragon shape will superimpose itself over

the Hero.  Check his spell list and you'll find a new Dragon

Attack, G.Dragon.  This always does 999 to all enemies, if

the Hero is at full AP.  Use it on Ray, and he'll die.

        Climb through the Cathedral, after Habaruku.  He'll

trigger a trap, and the walls will move in to crush you, but

Rand will hold them off.  He tells the others to go and

prepares to sacrifice himself... but Daisy appears and

knocks him out of the way.  She sacrifices her own life

instead, and Rand rejoins the party, intent on killing

Habaruku.  Keep climbing through the Grand Church.  Just

as you're about to reach him, he'll drop you down a shaft

into the depths of the church.  When you fight your way

through, you'll find yourself in a room with a thin corridor

protected by lasers.  Walk on through (taking damage as you

do--be careful!) and speak to the man in the machine.  He'll

ask you to kill him so St. Eva's servants can no longer

drain his energy.  Then three guardian eyes appear.

        The easy way to win is to use G.Dragon, but if you

do this, you kill the old man and can't get the best ending

to the game.  Just beat up the eyes normally if you want the

good ending.  The right eye always uses Cure3, the lower eye

Freeze, and the left eye Flame.  I'd get rid of the Flame

eye first, then the Freeze eye.  Doing it this way is sort

of tough.  But if you do... you find out the old man is your

father, Ganer.  He can provide a source of magical power.

This will be useful later.

        For now, the Cathedral is becoming unstable... get

out of Evrai and watch it collapse.  Looks like you'll have

to hunt down Habaruku.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Interlude:  Flying TownShip

        To make TownShip fly, you must do three things.

First, go enter the wekk in TownShip and take a look at the

machine.  Next, at any point after you get the whale

Grandpa, ride it to Guntz and search behind the bookshelves

in the far northern home until you find a secret door.

Speak to the person you find there, who will go study the

machine and find out how it works.  Finally, you must rescue

Ganer, who will then serve as a power source for your

machine.  You can now move TownShip!  It's slow, but it will

be useful.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Interlude:  Rare Shamans

        The most frequently missed Shamans are the Holy

Shaman and the Earth Shaman.

        To win the aid of the Earth Shaman, you must do

three things.  First, donate 2000+ GP to Namanda before

going to Evrai.  Second, use no attack magic in Daisy's

field.  Finally, deveat the Grand Church.

        To find the Holy Shaman, return to Bandon after

beating Ray (or the entire Grand Church) and search the jail

cells.  The Shaman is in the second or third room from the

left in the corridor with the arrow tiles.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 16:  Gate and Infinity

                Characters:  Hero, Sten, Nina, Jean, Rand, Bleu

        The next stop on your journey is about the only

place you haven't been... Gate.  But first, visit TownShip

and combine a few characters.  Decide who to take.

        Jean's combination will prove very useful because of

his Chop attack.  Nina or Bleu could come along because of

the Death spell.  Rand could come, in his combined form,

because he has good offense and defense and can heal well.

Sten could make the long journey downwards a little shorter,

but only if he's not combined.  Bow could provide good

offense, and Shot is useful; he also can heal.  Spar

provides great magic power.  And Katt's speed and power are

handy in some situations.  It comes down to who the favorite

characters are.  I usually choose Hero, Rand, Jean,

Nina/Bleu, although I've substituted Katt for Jean at times.

        Now that that's over with, go to Gate.  You'll find

that Father Hulk thinks the dragon is responsible for

killing the forest and is preparing to blast it!  The dragon

is hurt, but not killed, and the sealed doors are not

opened.  Soon, Hulk reveals that he is Habaruku!  He wants

to open the seal to release a powerful demon--and the only

way to open it is to take the life of a Dragon clan member.

The Dragon at the gate would do... and Habaruku has Patty,

too!  You must fight the man who replaced Ganer.  Habaruku

seems to cast mostly self-enhancement magic such at Atk-Up

and Def-Up, but he never attacked me.  In any case, he's

easy to kill.

        After the fight, with Patty lost in the underbrush

somewhere, you'll have to speak to the dragon, who changes

form and reveals itself as... the Hero's mother.  She asks

the Hero to make a choice--either to open the seal or to

have her stay to guard the gate.  If you choose to have her

stay, the game will end.  Face your destiny.

        Your mother opens the gate, sacrificing her life

(remember, the life of a Dragon clan member) to do so.  You

may now enter Infinity.  First go to the left side cave, and

enter.  You will find Shin, the Devil Shaman.  Leave and

enter the center cave when you are ready.

        There is a long trek downward, so have plenty of

healing items.  Take at least 54 HelpBL, 54 WFruit, and

27-36 LifePL, in addition to several CureAL, as much Roast

and Extract as you have, and your entire supply of MoonDrop

and VanExt.  You'll need the healing later.  Try to get the

treasures on the way down, they contain powerful weapons and

armor such as the FinalKN and the ImmortlRN.

        If you survive the trek down, you'll find yourself

in a town.  This is the outpost of the Dragon clan.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 17:  Anfini

                Characters:  The best you've got!

        You'll learn a great deal in the Dragons' town,

including the origins of Ray and Patty, and the history of

the Hero's mother's mission.  (For the part about the Hero's

mother, you get to control her.)  This will clear up a lot

of the hanging threads in the game.  You'll also learn that,

in order to beat Deathevn, the Hero will have to learn the

ultimate Dragon power, Anfini.  The door will be opened to

you, the Destined Child.

        Beneath the Dragons' town, you will face even

fiercer enemies.  One to watch for is the Carm.  This Grim

Reaper-like enemy casts Freeze and Hail, and it sometimes

leaves an item called the MeowST when it is defeated.  This

is Katt's best weapon, 70 points stronger than the SnakeST.

Get it if you're using Katt.

        The place you get Anfini is fairly obvious--it's the

only building in the area below the Dragons' town.  Enter

and speak to the wise men.  The Hero will find himself

alone, and must enter each room and talk to his friends (and

in one case himself!), with the exception of Bleu.  Then,

the wise man tells him he must sacrifice one of his friends

forever in order to receive the power of Anfini!  He

instructs the Hero to enter the room of the friend he wishes

to sacrifice.

        Enter the Hero's room.  Speak to the Hero, and no

matter what, keep refusing to sacrifice your friends.  You

will learn Anfini and shift back to the original room, where

those friends who were with you will rejoin you.  (Note that

if you _do_ choose a friend, nothing bad actually

happens--you'll just have to try again to get Anfini.  You

can't win without it, so make sure you do so.)

        Unfortunately, this scene splits all the Shamans who

were combined with you away.  It might be worth it to cast

Exit, recombine, and descend through Infinity once more.

        The caverns below the Dragons' town house many

items, including the Dragon equipment--sword, armor, helm,

and shield.  Get it.  If you enter a room where all is dark,

turn around and leave, unless you have all the equipment and

treasure and are in good shape.

                *       *       *       *       *

                        Chapter 18:  Endgame

                Characters:  The best you've got!

        In the dark room, the party will confront Barubary,

the demon the Hero met so long ago.  Now, he won't be so

nice.  You'll have to fight him.

        The best bet is to take Bleu, Rand (combined), and

one other hero.  In the first round, use Bleu's BoltX and

the Hero's G.Dragon, and have Rand cast Cure3 and the other

hero fight.  This should do upwards of 1200-1300 damage to

Barubary.  At that point, he will stop fighting and

challenge the Hero to single combat.

        If the Hero accepts, Barubary is significantly

weaker, but probably still more than a match for the Hero.

I find the best bet is to refuse and fight.  The Hero should

use G.Dragon whenever he is at full AP and otherwise fight

or use an item as necessary.  Bleu should cast BoltX until

she runs out of AP, and use items or Shed as necessary.

Rand should Cure3 every round, as all Barubary's attacks

effect the entire party and hit for about 100 HP.  (Bow's

CureX could also work here.)  The fourth hero should use

WFruit or healing items as necessary.  Try to keep building

the Hero up to full AP so he can use G.Dragon.  Use all the

WiseBLs you have on the Hero for this purpose.  This is the

toughest fight in the game.

        Afterward, walk on into the darkness.  A healing

spring and a dragon statue lie ahead.  Choose the characters

you like and prepare to meet Deathevn.

        Deathevn will greet you with a spell to trap the

party in crystal.  The Hero will break free, using the

strength of the Destined Child, but will be paralyzed by

Deathevn's bond.  Deathevn will stop in front of each

character's crystal, delivering a short speech about them.

This speech will end in "And now, his/her life is over." and

he will shatter the crystal.  He taunts the Hero once

more... (start pressing buttons now)

        "The screaming of the Hero's heart broke the bond!"

The Hero, enraged, will rush after Deathevn, dodging a nasty

spell ("Break into pieces, Hero!") and cleaving the demon

lord with his sword.  Deathevn will stagger backwards and

fall over the edge...

        ...Then reappear in his true form.  A battle begins.

For now, Deathevn casts Explode, which does exactly half the

character's HP in damage.  The Hero should use Anfini.

(Hey, it's the only time he can... :)

        Big cinema scene, and the Hero's friends are

revived.  They rush to his fight, and the battle begins in


        Deathevn is weak, after Barubary.  He can cast

Death, can attack a single character for ~150 HP damage, can

use an Amber Laser which hits all party members for ~140

damage, can eliminate all spells affecting the party (like

Atk-Up and Def-Up), and can do a few other, less effective,

things.  The same general tactics that worked on Barubary

should work.  Deathevn will take a while to beat, but

shouldn't usually be a problem.

        The ending you get depends on whether TownShip can

fly or not.  If it can, you get a better ending, but if not,

even the "bad" ending is a good length, and provides a nice,

(melo-)dramatic closing scene.  The endings also focus more

on the characters the Hero had along with him when defeating

Deathevn than all the others.

        Congratulations.  You win. :)

                *       *       *       *       *

                  Breath of Fire II Walkthrough

                *       *       *       *       *


Scott Schimmel (Gleeman)                  * Ex ignorantia ad sapientium; * ex luce ad tenebras.
